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Stay Alive During your Model Agency Interview

Stay Alive During your Model Agency Interview

First Impressions - you have one chance

The old saying goes, "you only get one chance to make a first impression".

This is true in almost any situation and modeling is no exception. When you finally get that model interview you've been hoping for and working for, bring the best of everything you've got to the meeting. Do not hold back; you can't have a second interview!

I will mention a few tips to help stack the deck in your favor. When I say that, don't believe for a minute that it will guarantee you a signing with the modeling agency. There is usually going to be fierce competition out there and it may come to you and several other models. If so, you'll want your presence to shine giving you that oh so minor advantage over others.

First, let's talk about preparing for the interview.

Should I wear makeup or not?

Agents don't want to see your face made up like a Barbie doll. They (or their clients) can make you look the way they need after you sign up. The agent at the first interview wants to see the real you so he or she knows the material available to work with.

So you have two choices; either wear no makeup at all to the model interview or just a little. The latter being my suggestion.

By a "little" I mean very little like...
  • Some concealers to hide major blemishes
  • Mascara and just a touch of natural eye shadow
  • A dash of blush to bring out the cheeks

And remember, make sure you don't overdo it. The agent should barely be able to tell you're wearing makeup at all, so just enough to look natural "on purpose".
What to Wear to the Agency Interview

I suggest wearing clothes that accentuate your body without being overbearing. You don't want to look like a prude or "easy prey".

Don't wear tight clothes or a blouse with a plunging neckline. You want the agent to look at your face first. Just a good, casual, sensible outfit should work well, especially since you'll be wearing very light makeup to the interview.

From a photographer's perspective, I also suggest a long-sleeved button-down shirt. It always looks good and gives a down-to-earth appearance. Use good judgment when dressing.

Stay Alive During Your Model Agency Interview

Photos or Portfolio

As I said in the portfolio section of this book, you absolutely don't need a portfolio to take with you to the modeling agency interview. However, if you want to take the best photos you have to make a good impression.

How many pictures? Again, it's better to carry only three or four of your best shots than a portfolio book of 50 mediocre images. So, as a rule of thumb, I would say take three to five good shots, including a headshot and a full-body shot at the agency interview. If the agent needs to see more, she'll ask for them.

Let your personality shine

If there's one thing I've learned about professional models, they definitely aren't shy!! So one step to becoming a professional model is to look and act the part. I'm not saying to have a cocky or arrogant way about you.

It is enough to show pleasant confidence. Here are a couple of pointers.
  •  Let the officer put out their hand first and then give a good firm handshake

The Officer In The Eye

  • Smile, smile, smile (let your natural smile show, not a tilted head, nervous smile). Practice in the mirror until you get the right effect
  • Lean forward a bit when the agent is speaking (it shows you are interested and listening)
  • Copy the agent's body language (be subtle about it, but if the officer is cross-legged or hand to chin, follow easily and do the same)

  • When asked, describe yourself in concise terms, don't ramble
  • You have two ears and a mouth; use, in order.
  • Never argue (even if you don't agree with what the agent says, just smile and continue the interview. You don't have to work with him if the disagreement is unsolvable)
  • Ask the agent about the modeling agency; you will learn more and develop a relationship with her because people like to talk about themselves or their business

I know this is a lot to remember so a good way to make this information your own is to get a member family or friend to conduct a rehearsal interview with you so you can practice these skills. After a while, you will naturally. If you know a working model, even better to let them help you.

Anything, Don't Get Defensive

OK, so you've been through those rough early times and the interview is going great. Suddenly, the agent mentions that he would like to speak with you on another date; after losing 10 pounds!!

What are you doing now?

I know, I know, weight is a sensitive issue with women, especially models, but you should take this in context. I would first like to thank the agent for his advice because he knows what his clients (and your future employers) want.

If you have decided never to speak to this agent again, I suggest taking this advice and losing the ten pounds before setting up an interview with another modeling agency.

Losing weight, getting a haircut, or staying off the tanning bed is not an unusual request in the modeling business, so listen to the advice. They are not always right but they are the ones who hire you (or not!).

Second, if you really listened, the agent said she wants another interview with you, which means she has enough interest in you to pursue your relationship. Isn't that great? You may have scored with this agent!!

So let the other model (the one who wasn't listening) walk out of the room in indignant embarrassment but you keep your head up and maybe get the job!

Remember these tips during your interview with the model and present yourself in the best light. I think you'll have a clear head start on models who walk around with no idea what to do. Most success is learned. If you don't, pretend! Soon you will find it!